Peoples of our planet have a sacred right to peace
Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace
Adopted by General Assembly resolution 39/11
12 November 1984
  • More than 100 lawyers were deprived of their status and were forced to stop practicing law in Belarus. The reason for this was not their free choice — leaving the profession was forced, due to exclusion from the bar for the "violations" that they allegedly committed.

    You can find a detailed report "The Crisis of the Legal Profession in Belarus: How to Return the Right to Defense" in English by the link.

    The report contains conclusions that the current situation of the bar and lawyers in Belarus does not meet the international standards of this institution and the right to legal assistance, which, in fact, became the reason for the loss of independence by the bar, violations of professional and procedural guarantees of the bar, and as a result, an almost insurmountable obstacle to the realization of the right to defense in Belarus.

    As a result, the report proposes a program of actions — a kind of roadmap for future changes that are necessary to restore the right to the profession of lawyers who have been wrongfully deprived of their status, to build the institution of the bar based on its essential characteristics and standards, to properly ensure the right to legal assistance for those who need it.
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